Get baptized as an adult or young person
You are never too old to take this step
You may have been baptized at a christening when you were a child or in a different Christian tradition, and there are always special ways to renew the promises that were made then in a fresh way as you discover more about what it means to live them out in your life.
May God, who has received you by baptism into his Church,
Service of baptism
pour upon you the riches of his grace,
that within the company of Christ's pilgrim people
you may daily be renewed by his anointing Spirit,
and come to the inheritance of the saints in glory.
If you want to know more about the Christian faith, or are ready to be baptized, then contact the vicar at A Church Near You.
You may be asked to go along to a few sessions to explore more about what it means to be a Christian, usually joining others who are exploring faith as well. Then there will be a special service where you will be baptized. In the Church of England this may involve water being poured on your head at the font, or the church may have a special pool and you will be fully immersed in the water. However it happens, it’s a great occasion, full of joy.
If you are a parent or godparent, find out all you need to know about choosing, planning and going to a Church of England christening.