House of Bishops meeting: 29 November


The House of Bishops met online on the morning of 29 November 2023.

The House considered the November Group of Sessions of General Synod, including next steps required following the vote on Prayers of Love and Faith.

It was agreed that a motion for the commendation of the “Prayers of Love and Faith: resource section” would take place at a further meeting before the end of the year. This aligns with the timescale indicated at Synod. 

There was also consideration of the House of Bishops’ processes, with The House agreeing to begin a review with a focus on increasing transparency. The House voted in favour of immediate steps to publish summaries of meetings, and to set up a task-and-finish group to make recommendations to the House on potential improvements. A fuller summary of the meeting will be published in the coming days, in accordance with this.

The meeting ended in prayer.

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