Our faith videos

Find out some of the basics about the Christian faith and how diverse beliefs make up the Church of England.
  1. Are there daily patterns to help you to follow Jesus? - Our faith

    Are there daily patterns that help you to follow Jesus?

    Are there daily patterns that help you to follow Jesus? Find out more about being a Christian in the Our faith series of videos.

    1 min read
  2. Do you have a sense of God's calling? What are you called to do? - Our faith

    Do you have a sense of God's calling? What are you called to do?

    Do you have a sense of God's calling? What are you called to do? Find out more about being a Christian in the Our faith series of videos.

    1 min read
  3. How do you express the love of God? - Our Faith

    How do you express your love of God?

    How do you express your love of God? Find out more about being a Christian in the Our faith series of videos.

    1 min read
  4. How should Christians respond to evil and injustice? - Our faith

    How should Christians respond to evil and injustice?

    How should Christians respond to evil and injustice? Find out more about being a Christian in the Our faith series of videos.

    1 min read
  5. How would you describe who God is? - Our faith

    How would you describe who God is?

    How would you describe who God is? Find out more about being a Christian in the Our faith series of videos.

    1 min read
  6. What are you looking for in life? - Our Faith

    What are you looking for in life?

    What are you looking for in life? Find out more about being a Christian in the Our faith series of videos.

    1 min read
  7. What does it mean to love your neighbour as yourself? - Our faith

    What does it mean to love your neighbour as yourself?

    What does it mean to love your neighbour as yourself? Find out more about being a Christian in the Our faith series of videos.

    1 min read
  8. What is the kingdom of God? - Our faith

    What is the Kingdom of God?

    What is the Kingdom of God? Find out more about being a Christian in the Our faith series of videos.

    1 min read
  9. When and how did your become a Christian? - Our faith

    What line of The Lord’s Prayer stands out to you the most and why?

    What line of The Lord’s Prayer stands out to you the most and why? Find out more about being a Christian in the Our faith series of videos.

    1 min read
  10. What makes gathering together on a Sunday important? - Our faith

    What makes gathering together on a Sunday important?

    What makes gathering together on a Sunday important? Find out more about being a Christian in the Our faith series of videos.

    1 min read