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To view messages, visit our book of condolence page.
Prayer and Liturgical resources
Church material
Historical resources for churches can be downloaded below:
- Death of His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh - Advice for Worship and Prayer
- Guidance for parish churches following the death of His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
- Prayers on hearing of the death of The Duke of Edinburgh
- A Service of Prayer after the death of The Duke of Edinburgh
- Holy Communion during the period of mourning PDF version | Word version
- Service of the Word during the period of mourning
In addition, resources from Cambridge University Press (The Queen's Printer) can be found below:
- Special Forms of Service in Commemoration of The Duke of Edinburgh (published by The Queen’s Printer)
Collective worship in schools
Historical resources for schools can be downloaded below. This collective worship offers a PowerPoint of photos with an accompanying script remembering different aspects of HRH’s long life and the chance to pause and reflect on what a life well-lived means for each one of us today: