Prayer Resources
Part 1 comprises a Prayer for the Nation and a form of intercession, both of which may be used in many different contexts including informal gatherings.
Part 2 collects passages of Scripture which can be used in services, informal gatherings, or as aids to Bible study. Part 3 includes proper texts for services, including Holy Communion.
Conversation Starters
Where people are inviting people to get together to talk over tea, these starting points on getting a conversation started may be helpful.
Both of these documents are supplied in both PDF and Word formats.
Downloadable Graphics
There are a range of downloadable cards, invitations and graphics which parishes can use to encourage their communities to pray for our nation and/or to gather together as a local community.
Please note that two versions of each file are provided.
- Use the digital versions for posting online or printing on a desktop printer.
- Use the professional printing versions (with printer’s crop marks at the edge) with a professional printer.
Download a version of the Together logo with a transparent background.
Together Prayer Card (Prayer Only)
This features a ‘Prayer for the Nation’ on one side with the reverse side blank. There is space bottom left to add a diocesan or parish logo using Adobe Acrobat Pro or similar. Designed to work best at A6 (4 copies per A4 page) but could also be used at A5 or A4.
Together Prayer Card with Archbishops’ Message (Versions A and B)
There are two versions, one of which may be more appropriate in different contexts:
- Version A urges people simply to pray for our nation and our future.
- Version B urges people to get together to pray for our nation and our future.
Designed to work best at A6 (4 copies per A4 page) but could also be used at A5 or A4.
Together Event Invitation with Archbishops’ Message (Versions A and B)
This features a ‘Prayer for the Nation’ on one side (with space for a diocesan or parish logo to be added bottom left) and an invitation to a local event on the other with space to add local details. This is available in Teal (A) with an alternative Yellow version (B) with a slightly different design on the second side.
Designed to work best at A6 (4 copies per A4 page) but could also be used at A5 or A4.
Together Archbishops’ Message Poster
This included the Archbishops’ invitation to get together to pray for our nation and our future. There is space to add a diocesan or parish logo using Adobe Acrobat Pro or similar below or on either side of the Church of England logo.
Designed to work best at A3 but could also be used at A4 or A2.
Together Event Posters (Versions A and B)
Available in either Teal (A) or Yellow (B) versions, this poster has space for details of local events to encourage prayer and conversation to be added (either by hand or in Adobe Acrobat). There is space to add a diocesan or parish logo using Adobe Acrobat Pro or similar above the Church of England logo.
Designed to work best at A3 but could also be used at A4 or A2.
Social media graphics
Use these graphics across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter social media networks.
You can download them individually below, or all in a single .ZIP file.
All the above resources (which are copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2019) are free for local, non-commercial use.