Section 8 - Episcopal Visitors

1 minutes read
Last updated: 15 July 2021
Version: 1

8.1 The role of the Episcopal Visitor is to:

     8.1.1 Check safeguarding policies and arrangements, including the community’s safeguarding checklist/self-assessment as part of each Visitation.  This includes having regard to the extent to which such polices may already reviewed by an independent body. 

    8.1.2 Maintain a record of the safeguarding aspects of each Visitation and share the outcome with the appropriate DSA and the diocesan bishop;

    8.1.3 Inform the appropriate DSA and the diocesan bishop if they have any safeguarding concerns in relation to the community.

    8.1.4 Be available to deal with any appeal subsequent to the formal complaints procedure.

    8.1.5 Develop a sense of whether the community has a safe and healthy culture.

8.2 The Episcopal Visitor must be informed about any concerns if they relate to the DSP or the Leader.

Good practice advice  

The Episcopal Visitor is not responsible for dealing directly with any safeguarding matters, this responsibility sits with the Diocesan Bishop. However, they must be informed of serious incidents as they have a duty to ensure that safeguarding policies and processes are in place.  They must also lead discussions around how to implement healthy cultures, and must ensure this happens with the Leader and the wider community on a regular (at least annual) basis.