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A Christian presence in every community
101 results found for 'Environment programme'
The Church of England's national environmental programme exists to enable the whole Church to address — in faith, practice, and mission — the issue of climate change and care of creation.
Read the story of a Bolton mum who was struggling with alcohol addiction before receiving care, compassion and community at her local church.
Bath Abbey is using an ancient water way to heat the World Heritage site.
FEATURE / This summer, St Albans Diocese was awarded a £1.75 million grant, as part of the Archbishops’ Council Strategic Development Funding stream.
Bishops of the Church of England have each been provided a tree by Forestry England which will form part of The Queen's Green Canopy.
Figures from a recent nature survey show that bumblebees, ladybirds and aphids are in the top five invertebrates found in churchyards and burial grounds across England and Wales.
As the Euro 2020 tournament begins, we caught up with Matt Baker, Sports Chaplaincy UK National Director for England & Pastoral Support Director in English Football.
A Cathedral choir has recorded a fundraising anthem for Ukrainian children, to be released on Mothering Sunday.
The cathedral green in central Bristol will be “rewilded” a year after environment activist Greta Thunberg visited Bristol.
A Church of England hospital Chaplain has led a campaign which has identified more than 1,000 people over 80 to be vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine.
The lead chaplains to English football talk about their hopes for Qatar, the work of chaplains in sport, and practising penalties