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A Christian presence in every community
7603 results found for 'Thy Kingdom Come'
Find out about how to get you and your church involved with Thy Kingdom Come.
Across the UK and the world - people were involved in Thy Kingdom Come 2021 in various ways from continuous prayer to prayer walking / pilgrimage labyrinths to prayer stations, prayer on the streets to singing and praying outdoors.
Join us this weekend from Lambeth Palace chapel for a service for Thy Kingdom Come. Rev Canon Chris Russell, the Archbishop of Canterbury's Adviser for Evangelism and Witness, will be preaching and leading the service.
Aware of the various opportunities and challenges faced by so many churches over the last year, the Thy Kingdom Come will be hosting a webinar unveiling plans for Thy Kingdom Come 2021 on Tuesday 9th March at 2pm.
We have a range of brilliant, new resources & videos for this year’s #ThyKingdomCome that we hope will refresh and nourish the Church.
Now in its 6th year, Thy Kingdom Come has mobilised Christians in over 170 countries , nearly 90% of the world, to pray for evangelisation from Ascension to Pentecost.
Pope Francis will take part in an online church service alongside the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and a number of other senior UK church leaders this Sunday.
Book 8 - Church & Kingdom of the Pilgrim Course series.
Stories of Kingdom Calling. No matter who or where you are, God is calling you.
What is the Kingdom of God? Find out more about being a Christian in the Our faith series of videos.