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The Church Commissioners for England have today welcomed the Crown appointment of Mr Andrew Selous MP as Second Estates Commissioner
The Church Commissioners for England announced today the appointment of Bess Joffe as Head of Responsible Investment for the Church Commissioners for England
The Church Commissioners has announced it will support England’s cathedral choirs with up to £1 million available to ease the impact of COVID-19.
Edward Mason, Head of Responsible Investment for the Church Commissioners for England comments on today’s annual shareholder meeting at ExxonMobil.
After three years of outstanding service to the Church Commissioners and the wider Church of England. Loretta Minghella OBE has indicated her intention to step down from the post of First Church Estates Commissioner next summer.
The Church Commissioners for England and New York State Common Retirement Fund have today written an open letter to ExxonMobil shareholders.
The Bishop of London, Sarah Mullally, has welcomed the opportunity for people nationally to respond to an independent review on Government engagement with faith communities, which will help to shape relationships now and in the future.
The House of Bishops has welcomed and commended the decision of the Government to open places of worship for public worship from 4 July at a virtual meeting held on June 24th.
We look forward to the time when we are able to gather again in our church buildings. We are examining what steps we will need to take to do so safely.
The General Synod today called on the Government to end the ‘cruel’ experience of so-called ‘pauper' funerals in a debate where members heard of the plight of those unable to afford funeral costs.