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The Bishop of London and the Chief Nursing Officer for England are to take part in a national online service this Sunday celebrating the work of nurses and healthcare workers and marking the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale.
The Terms of Reference for the ‘PCR2 Reference Group’ which will oversee Past Cases Review 2 for the National Church Institutions has been published today.
The Church of England is looking at options including a possible change in the law to enable the General Synod to meet remotely, in response to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.
This week’s Church of England national virtual service was recorded on an iPad in the drawing room of Bishopthorpe Palace.
More than 17,000 online services and events are being provided by Church of England churches following the introduction of the lockdown and restrictions on public worship earlier this year.
Teachers and school support staff will be hailed as ‘unsung heroes’ for their work to help children and families during the pandemic, in the Church of England’s weekly online service marking the start of the academic year.
The Church of England will broadcast a special online service for the nation on Remembrance Sunday.
The Church of England and the Children’s Society are inviting everyone to join us for the first ever online National Christingle Service.
Archbishop of Canterbury to lead a national broadcast as the Church of England responds to the challenge of becoming a “different sort of church” in the face of the challenge of coronavirus.
Revd Chris Lee, a vicar who has reached new audiences on Instagram, will lead this week’s online service for the Church of England – with a message that God welcomes us all, however ‘messy’ we may believe our lives to be.