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A Christian presence in every community
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A month ago Premier League Chaplain Matt Baker predicted that England and Italy would be the best two teams at Euro 2020. We caught up with him ahead of Sunday’s final.
FEATURE / The Church of England’s digital communications team has trained more than 200 parishes in social media and writing for the web.
The lead chaplains to English football talk about their hopes for Qatar, the work of chaplains in sport, and practising penalties
FEATURE / Ideas on how your church can become a star church for this year's #FollowTheStar campaign.
FEATURE / The Church of England takes its environmental responsibilities very seriously. With 16,400 churches, 10,000 churchyards and 5000 schools it has to - and its Environmental Programme is constantly monitoring and adapting to environmental issues of all kinds.
100 churches gathered for the second event of its kind, to be envisioned and trained to make the most of the digital opportunity that presents itself to us all
A food pantry at a church in the Diocese of Chichester opened its doors to eight people in October 2021. It now supports 80 people regularly, including 31 families at a school Pop up Pantry.
Nancy Kingston, who will be 100 in October, and her husband Eric, 98, celebrate their 80th wedding anniversary today, on 1 June. They have been part of their church community since they were married at Saint Mary And All Saints Church in Meare.
Building on the success of last year's Lent Campaign, The Church of England has launched this year's Lent and Easter Pilgrim. Find out how your church can get involved.
As the Euro 2020 tournament begins, we caught up with Matt Baker, Sports Chaplaincy UK National Director for England & Pastoral Support Director in English Football.