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A Christian presence in every community
1125 results found for 'media 2442693 gs misc 1133 hob consultation on vestments pdf'
Exeter Cathedral needle workers have swapped vestments for NHS scrubs in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Church of England submission on Government consultation on mandatory reporting
Church organisations are being invited to give their views on action that could be taken to ensure greater racial equality in the Church of England, as part of work by the Anti-Racism Taskforce.
The Church of England Pensions Board submitted a response to the consultation for the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)’s Exposure Draft IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information.
FEATURE / The Church of England’s digital communications team has trained more than 200 parishes in social media and writing for the web.
Safe Spaces is planned as a vital support service for survivors of church-related abuse across the Church of England and the Catholic Church in England and Wales.
Details and timescale published
Clergy are honouring their heritage and celebrating Black history by wearing a special vestment designed by a renowned artist.
The Church of England’s online weekly service will hear a call for action to build a fairer world ahead of a minute’s silence to lament the racism experienced by the Windrush generation and other black and UK minority ethnic people.
An ancient stone carving believed by some historians to be the earliest known sculpture of the murdered medieval Archbishop of Canterbury St Thomas Becket has been re-dedicated at a special service following its cleaning and restoration.