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A Christian presence in every community
284 results found for 'more media centre news churches hold brexit tea prayer drop ins'
Read safeguarding news and views from the National Safeguarding Team.
Statement provided in response to an item on Channel 4 news this evening about the Bishop of Liverpool, John Perumbalath.
Redress scheme will be run independently of the Church
Safeguarding Sunday prayer video launched
Safe Spaces is planned as a vital support service for survivors of church-related abuse across the Church of England and the Catholic Church in England and Wales.
The National Redress Scheme survivor survey has been put on hold following an issue raised with the National Safeguarding Team, which is now being looked into.
Article for Civil Society magazine by lead safeguarding bishop Joanne Woolway Grenfell on safeguarding governance in the Church of England.
NEWS / Church of England welcomes appointment of new IICSA chair.
Statements following the announcement that Bishop John Perumbalath will resign as Bishop of Liverpool.
A recent media report about the Church of England’s Redress Scheme contained inaccuracies and misleading information, which we are sorry has caused distress to survivors.