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1138 results found for 'more media centre news general synod backs expansion new forms church gatherings'
FEATURE / The Church of England’s digital communications team has trained more than 200 parishes in social media and writing for the web.
Members of the Church of England's General Synod are to meet remotely for the first time, in response to the restrictions in place because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
NEWS / The Church Commissioners for England (the Commissioners) announced today the expansion of their corporate engagement team and the appointment of an external engagement provider as the Commissioners continue their ambitious plans to influence companies on high profile ethical and ESG issues.
A special session of the Church of England General Synod, needed to pass urgent legislation enabling Synod to continue to operate amid the challenges of the pandemic, will go ahead in London on Thursday.
The President-Elect of the Glasgow COP, Archbishop of Canterbury & CEO of London Stock Exchange Group support landmark launch at opening of Stock Exchange
General Synod today voted to endorse key priorities for action on safeguarding, focusing on themes which came out of the first set of hearings, in March, by IICSA (Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse) into the ‘Anglican Church’.
Summary of presentation on safeguarding independence and synod debate on safeguarding
The Church of England has clarified the scope and definition of net-zero following General Synod’s pledge to achieve net-zero by 2030.
New data reveals that more than 3,000 churches are using a tool created by the Church of England to understand their carbon footprint.
A ‘Santiago of the North’ has been launched, encouraging people to walk ancient pilgrimage routes to Durham dating back more than 1,000 years.