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A Christian presence in every community
50 results found for 'node 27995 printable contents htm'
Bishops Joanne Grenfell, Julie Conalty and Robert Springett write to survivors and advocates following Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lords speech.
Responsible investing in the age of Climate Change and Artificial Intelligence - The role of the Christian Investor.
Talk by Alan Smith, First Church Estates Commissioner, to the 2024 Church Investors Group Conference on 20 November, 2024.
Read the opening statement on behalf of the Archbishops’ Council as part of the IICSA hearing into Peter Ball.
The Bishop of Leicester reflects on lessons from riots in the city in 2022.
A number of survivors and safeguarding professionals from the National Safeguarding Team, dioceses and parishes have worked together to develop a series of videos.
General Synod has voted to approve the Safeguarding and Learning Development Framework as a Code of Practice which sets out details of the Church’s safeguarding learning pathways, for the next three years.
Details of the proposed financial award framework for the Church of England’s national Redress Scheme have been published along with information about the proposed approach to funding the Redress Scheme.
The testers involved in the Church of England's website accessibility audit talk about their experience.
The Archbishop of Canterbury will call for “a resurrection of our common life,” during his Easter Sunday sermon.
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York are calling for Church of England churches to put public worship on hold and become a “different sort of church”.