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The Church's Lead Safeguarding Bishop responds to the publication of a report by the Anglican Church in South Africa.
Statements following the announcement that Bishop John Perumbalath will resign as Bishop of Liverpool.
Archbishops welcome publication of Future of Church Safeguarding Report.
Church of England response to BBC File on Four Programme relating to the David Tudor, a priest who was prohibited from ministry for life in October.
To: bishops, deans, archdeacons, clergy, diocesan secretaries, diocesan and cathedral safeguarding officers/advisers, parish safeguarding officers, church wardens, diocesan communications officers, and principals of TEIs.
A recent media report about the Church of England’s Redress Scheme contained inaccuracies and misleading information, which we are sorry has caused distress to survivors.
The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of Lincoln have met together to pray and discuss next steps following the conclusion of the clergy disciplinary process instigated after the Bishop’s suspension in May 2019 and subsequent investigation.
General Synod today voted in support of next steps on safeguarding independence as outlined in a paper presented to Synod from the Church of England’s lead safeguarding bishop, Joanne Grenfell.
Statement from lead safeguarding bishop, Joanne Grenfell on the independent report published today from Fiona Scolding KC, commissioned by Soul Survivor, into the Mike Pilavachi case.
Churches across the country are encouraged to mark Safeguarding Sunday on November 17.