Transforming Shame Network Conference


Trauma impacts every area of life as we seek to come to terms with the effects of the pandemic, the bitter legacy of colonialism and toxicity of 'cancel culture' enabled by social media. So how do our faith traditions address and have the potential to alleviate the shame that is an inevitable consequence? 
Speakers exploring this question will be Dr Mano Emmanuel Senior Lecturer and Head of Academic Advancement at Colombo Theological Seminary in Sri Lanka and Dr Karen O’Donnell the Programme Leader for Contemporary Spirituality Studies at Sarum College, Salisbury, England. Dr Emmanuel will focus on the potential for reconciliation in shame-oriented cultures and Dr O’Donnell’s talk is entitled “Impossible Resurrections: Thinking Theologically with Trauma and Shame”. There will be opportunities for discussion in breakout rooms, together with enjoying some creative reflections in dance and movement to express the theme more holistically, i.e. in body, as well as mind and spirit.
The event runs from 10.00am to 12.30pm. Tickets cost £15. All proceeds will cover admin costs and support the on-going work of the Transforming Shame Network. If you are unwaged and this amount of money is more than you can afford, please contact us in confidence -we’re committed to ensuring everyone who wants to attend this event can do so.
For more information on the symposium, the speakers and to book your place, please visit: