Service related articles

  1. 18/02/2024

    Our service for the First Sunday of Lent from St Peter & St Paul's Rustington. Rev Natalie Loveless & Rev Laura Darrall lead this service, and we will hear the story of Jesus journeying into the desert to begin forty days of prayer, fasting and temptation.

  2. 26/02/2023

    How can we know God's faithfulness in times of failure? Rt Rev Mark Tanner, Bishop of Chester, leads a Service for the First Sunday of Lent. The service comes from Woodchurch High School, a Church of England Academy, with contributions from students and staff. 

  3. 10/09/2023

    A Service for Education Sunday comes from St Mary-le-Tower, Ipswich. This service of Choral Matins will be led by Rev Tom Mumford.

  4. 13/06/2021

    Our service this week marks the fourth anniversary of the Grenfell fire. Led by Rev Gareth Wardell, our online worship comes from St Clement and St James Church, and includes a sermon from the Rt Rev Dr Graham Tomlin, Bishop of Kensington.

  5. 02/07/2023

    Rev Katherine Message leads a Service for the Fourth Sunday After Trinity, from Harbour Church Portsmouth.

  6. 10/07/2022

    Join us from St Christopher's Church, Hanwell, London. Rev Suzanne Vernon-Yorke will preside over the service, and Lay Preachers, Prince Hewitt and Nigel Clarke, will be sharing about The Good Samaritan.

  7. 24/12/2023

    A Service for the Fourth Sunday of Advent comes from Fabric Church Manchester. Rev Nakita Ainsworth and Warren Nana Tchounga lead our service, and Rev Mark Roper is preaching.

  8. 18/12/2022

    Yashua Sohail, Immersive Member at the Community of St Anselm, leads our Service for the Fourth Sunday of Advent. Join us from The Crypt Chapel, Lambeth Palace, where Rev Shannon Preston is preaching on ‘The message of joy we are waiting for.’

  9. 30/04/2023

    We're praying for the King and for national unity as we approach the Coronation. Rev Joe Moffatt leads our service of Sung Eucharist from All Saints Church Kingston.

  10. 29/01/2023

    This week's national online service is led by Rev Nicola Penn-Alison from Southern Ryedale Deanery. Rev Chris Wingfield is preaching on doing the right thing.