If you had planned to have your child baptised but it couldn’t happen because of a national lockdown, you will have had to postpone this special day. Now that christenings are possible again, you can contact a church and begin to make plans. These are some of the questions you might have.
Scallop shell on the side of a baptism font.
Can we have a christening?
Will the church be hygienically clean?
How many people can I invite to the service?
Does the christening have to be in the main church service or can we have it separately?
Will there be music at the service?
Will someone need to visit us at home before the service?
Will the vicar have to come into contact with my child to do the christening?
What can we do if our child’s Godparents aren’t able to attend because they live abroad or are shielding, or even suddenly have to go into isolation? Can they join in via Skype, Zoom or Facetime?
What happens if key people fall ill with coronavirus or are ‘tracked and traced’ in the days leading up to the christening?
Will everyone have to wear face masks?

Source URL: https://www.churchofengland.org/life-events/christenings/parents-guide-christenings/christenings-coronavirus