Even if one or both of you are divorced, there may be a way for you to marry in church, but you will need to talk to your vicar as soon as possible.
Inside a church. A church window with a lit candelabra in front of it

Your church wishes you a lifetime of love that grows within God’s protection. But we recognise that some marriages do fail for all sorts of sad and painful reasons. So in certain circumstances the Church of England accepts that a divorced person may marry again in church and this has been the case since 2002.

The first step is to make an enquiry with the vicar of the church where you’d like to marry. Every vicar will want to help you, though there are some who don’t feel able to offer a wedding to couples where one or both of the partners has been divorced. In any case, your vicar will want to talk frankly about your past and hopes for the future and will then be able to advise you.

Even if it is not possible to do your wedding, they may offer a blessing service after a civil wedding.

Please read our detailed leaflet all about marrying again in church if you’re divorced.

Also in this section

Legal requirements

Finding a church

Why marry in church?

Can I marry in church?

Mixed faith marriages

Your children are welcome

When can I marry in church?

Information for same sex couples

More than a wedding venue

Booking a church

Meeting the vicar

Seven steps to a heavenly wedding

If you live abroad

Information for foreign nationals

Special licences

Common Licences

Do we need a marriage licence?

Superintendent Registrars Marriage Schedule

The cost of church weddings

Source URL: https://www.churchofengland.org/life-events/your-church-wedding/just-engaged/marriage-after-divorce