The recommendations from the Church’s reviews into Bishop Victor Whitsey, Graham Gregory, William Scott Farrell, and Trevor Devamanikkam, along with two reports from the Independent Safeguarding Board, ISB, Don’t Panic Be Pastoral and Mr X have been analysed and grouped into themes
Separately the recent reports and recommendations from barrister Sarah Wilkinson and former IICSA chair Professor Alexis Jay are being looked at by a Response Group.
The information below provides an overview of how the themes identified are being addressed and incorporated into the Safeguarding work of the National Safeguarding Team NST, and wider Safeguarding practice across the Church of England, in policy reviews, learning and development programmes and projects.
- Responding well to disclosures of abuse - The Responding Well to Victim and Survivors policy has been in place since November 2021 and covers significant aspects of the recommendations in this category. The Managing Allegations policy which is currently in the final phase and is due to be taken to July General Synod for consideration, addresses the remaining recommendations in this category.
- Managing allegations, core group process - the Managing Allegations policy discussed above addresses this recommendation. The Safeguarding Standards support good practice for case work. Case reviews are part of the Quality Assurance Framework and Independent Audits.
- Records keeping, retention of records and sharing of information - there are several projects ongoing which address the issues raised in this theme: Implementation of the NSCMS, Managing Allegations policy, Responding Well to Victims and Survivor policy, Data Service Retention policy review, Information Sharing agreements in place across the Church and with the police.
- Supervision, audits and Independent oversight - the recommendations in this theme are addressed by the IICSA 1 and 8 project, in relation to the DSA to DSO change and providing professional supervision to DSO’s, Quality Assurance and Independent Audits, independent oversight is one of the recommendations from Professor Jay which the Church is currently responding to.
- Learning and development - there are several recommendations that relate to safeguarding training and the revised version of the Learning and Development framework has been approved by the National Safeguarding Steering Group and is going to July General Synod.
- Policy - the Learning development team have a programme of reviewing the current policies and the recommendations will be incorporated into these reviews.
- Civil Claims - EIG have significantly changed their practices pre IICSA and regularly refresh their Guiding Principles which includes apologies.
- Safer Recruitment - these recommendations are covered by the Safer Recruitment policy which has been in place since June 2021 and will be evaluated during 2024.
- Commissioning of Learning Lessons Reviews - these recommendations are covered by the Safeguarding Practice Review policy approved by July 2023 General Synod.
The recommendations are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that they are being incorporated into the work of the NST and disseminated for operational delivery in Diocese and Cathedrals.