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A Christian presence in every community
7606 results found for 'Advent and Christmas resources'
The Church of England Pensions Board is urging the public to back the #GomaCallForPeace calling on leaders to return to talks to prevent further loss of lives, the growing humanitarian crisis and risk of regional escalation.
Good practice and resources to support dioceses in growing vocations to ministry.
All the relevant information, documents and papers for the February 2025 Group of Sessions in London.
Survivor participation is when victims and survivors are taking part in safeguarding changes and developments that aim to make the Church a safer place for all.
Learn how to use digital communications for evangelism and discipleship. These live webinars are the place to learn new skills, ask questions and see real examples of good practice from across the Church.
The National Survivor Participation Framework is a guide for any Church body and any victim or survivor who participates or wants to participate in making safeguarding changes in the Church of England.