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10549 results found for 'about environment'
World Environment Day is the UN’s most important day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment. Learn about how the Church of England is making changes for the good of the environment.
Latest news and updates from the Church of England Environment Programme.
The Church Buildings Council and Cathedral Fabric Commission for England have agreed and issued a joint statement on how the environment informs their work:
Jo Chamberlain has been appointed as the National Environment Officer for the Church of England, taking forward the strategy developed by the Environment Working Group
The Bishop of Norwich, Graham Usher, will lead the Church of England’s Environment Programme.
Prayers for World Environment Day held on 5 June each year.
The new Lambeth Palace Library has welcomed new books on the environment following a donation.
Resources and ideas to include creation care and the environment in worship, prayers, liturgy, sermons, teaching, small group and individual Bible study
On World Environment Day, Julian Atkins, Net Zero Programme Director for the Church of England speaks to the Benefact Trust on the grant funder’s ‘Beyond Funding’ podcast.