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A Christian presence in every community
15596 results found for 'about policy thinking work general synod agendas papers general synod april 2021'
All relevant information, documents and papers for the April 2021 Group of Sessions.
The agenda and background papers for the July 2021 group of sessions of General Synod have been published.
The spring group of sessions of the General Synod will take place online on Friday April 23 and Saturday 24.
NEWS / People with Down’s Syndrome should be welcomed, celebrated and treated with dignity and respect, members of the Church of England’s General Synod will hear next month.
General Synod to encourage whole church to mobilise.
NEWS / The General Synod of the Church of England meets in London in February for a three day meeting from 2.30 pm on Monday 15 February until 5.00 pm on Wednesday 17 February.
NEWS / Addition to General Synod agenda.
The Church of England needs to undergo a major "culture shift" to mobilise lay members to spread the gospel in their everyday lives, a new report being presented to members of the General Synod argues.
All relevant documents relating to the meeting of General Synod members in February 2021.
The General Synod meets in York on 5th - 9th July for the first time since the rejection of the draft legislation on Women Bishops last November.