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A Christian presence in every community
16621 results found for 'about work with other christian churches'
The local work of the Church of England with other Churches across England
Church of England is to work with a youth charity to equip parishes to reach more young people
Christianity in Iraq is going through one of the worst and hardest stages of its long history, the Archbishop of the Chaldean Diocese of Erbil, Iraq, has told the General Synod.
In the Church of England ecumenical work is organised institutionally by the Council for Christian Unity.
Not sure where to begin? There are so many helpful resources looking at why and how Christians should get to know their neighbours of different faiths.
Throughout the UK the Church of England works with other national Churches, to build relationships and theological understanding.
Recent examples of misleading claims about the Church of England which have been shared through traditional media and social media and a brief summary of context.
The Church of England works with other Churches across Europe and the wider world.
FEATURE / The theologian Stephen Backhouse writes about how the Archbishop of Canterbury's Commission on Housing, Church and Community is seeking to express a distinctly Christian vision of housing and community.
For many people connecting faith and work isn’t as natural as we might think. Nick Shepherd explores how we can share our faith digitally.