Working Together Nationally

National Unity

The Church of England works with a wide range of other Churches in England and throughout the UK. We do this through:

Building Relationships

We value our relationships with the whole range of Christian Churches in this country. We believe in the importance of diversity in Churches across the UK, and are actively involved in promoting greater understanding of and partnerships with Churches from all different cultures and contexts. We have growing links with Pentecostal and Orthodox Churches, which help us to learn and grow together. Church life in England is constantly changing and we aim to respond to that creatively and supportively.

Joining the wider conversations

We are a full member of Churches Together in England and Churches Together in Britain and Ireland. These organisations co-ordinate activities between many different Churches and provide common ground for them to meet and work together.

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland
Churches Together in England

Formal Agreements

Commit us to consultation and co-operation with Churches at different levels. The agreements are:

The Anglican - Methodist Covenant: signed on the 1st November 2003 in Methodist Central Hall, Westminster, London in the presence of the Queen.

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The Fetter Lane Agreement: with the Moravian Church was signed on the 15th of May 1995 at the Fetter Lane Moravian Church in Chelsea, the site of their first church in England.

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The Columba Declaration: with the the Church of Scotland was signed on the 28th of November 2016, in a ceremony at Crown Court Church in central London.

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Regular Meetings

Held at national level, especially to encourage mission and other initiatives. These include meetings with:

The Roman Catholic Church
The Baptist Union of Great Britain
The United Reformed Church

An agreement or an establishing of two groups into a relationship.


Action to help the world become more like the place God intended it to be, and share the good news of Jesus


A ceremony or ritual by which divine grace is conveyed; a term used in the Church of England especially with respect to Baptism and the Eucharist.


Leading bishop with authority for a province. There are two provinces and therefore two Archbishops in England – Canterbury and York.


A senior ordained person who has oversight of clergy and lay people in a diocese.


Bringing together of people with different views in a peaceful resolution

For documents to support ecumenical work please visit our resources page.