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A Christian presence in every community
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FEATURE / The Church of England’s digital communications team has trained more than 200 parishes in social media and writing for the web.
FEATURE / Two years ago there was scepticism that volunteers could provide effective support to Syrian refugees coming to Britain.
A former teacher who was drawn to ordained ministry in the Church of England as she took pupils on educational visits is now overseeing a key scheme allowing young adults to discover their vocation in life.
A Devon vicar says the questions around human sexuality, gender and relationships covered by the Church of England’s Living in Love and Faith course are as relevant in her rural parishes as anywhere else.
The Church is embracing the 'unique opportunity' to learn and reflect despite differences, through Living in Love and Faith (LLF).
Revd Andy Muckle, vicar of St Mary’s Parish Church West Moors reflects on taking part in the Living in Love and Faith (LLF) five-week course over Zoom and explains why others should be encouraged to take part.
People have felt “liberated” by the Living in Love and Faith (LLF) course to have more in-depth discussions on matters of human sexuality and gender identity, a priest has said.
Rev Frances Caroe describes how his time in Japan led to a return to faith, and then ordination.
FEATURE / We’re thrilled to announce the launch of the new A Church Near You today – find a local church or share your weekly and seasonal services at the click of a button with the new design, features and easy-to-use editing experience.
A pet food bank set up with support from a church is helping people to feed their dogs, cats and even guinea pigs amid the cost of living crisis