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A Christian presence in every community
393 results found for 'media 2249248 gs 2002 archbishops councils budget 2016 pdf'
FEATURE / The Church of England’s digital communications team has trained more than 200 parishes in social media and writing for the web.
The office of Archbishop of Canterbury dates back to St Augustine of Canterbury, the first Archbishop of Canterbury.
We have been investigating how to further develop our visual design system through user feedback and expert advice.
Address by Lord Boateng, Chair of the Archbishops' Commission on Racial Justice, at the National Education Conference 2023
FEATURE / The Church of England has more than doubled its monthly reach on social media this year, from 1.2 million in 2017 to 2.44 million in 2017/2018.
FEATURE / A huge thank you to dioceses and local churches across England and the Diocese in Europe for getting involved in #GodWithUs and bringing the Advent and Christmas journey to millions of people. We really appreciate the feedback given in the run up to the campaign and your help in shaping and sharing it.
FEATURE / LifeSavers is an initiative of the Just Finance Foundation (JFF), whose founder and President is the Archbishop of Canterbury. Find out more about the scheme here.
In today’s digital age whilst zoom, social media and online church services are keeping many connected during Coronavirus lockdown – those self-isolating without internet access can be left feeling forgotten.
With a budget of around 17 pence per head – 20 cents – the Brussels community kitchen works hard to pack as much nutrition as possible into each meal it cooks for refugees while getting maximum value for money.
#FollowTheStar was the Church of England’s and Archbishops’ Advent and Christmas campaign. It was fantastic to see so many churches use the resources to encourage attendance and share the good news of Jesus Christ at this important moment in the year.