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With almost two months having passed since most pupils attended their school building, it is clear that the risks surrounding Coronavirus cannot and will not be quickly resolved. It is of paramount importance that children’s education and all that schools offer can continue as fully and as soon possible, while always balanced with the health risks that this may entail.
A school chaplain has spoken of her delight after a song written to share hope during Coronavirus closures went viral, with more than a hundred schools now preparing to record their own versions.
Teachers and school support staff will be hailed as ‘unsung heroes’ for their work to help children and families during the pandemic, in the Church of England’s weekly online service marking the start of the academic year.
As students across the UK receive their GCSE results today, The Church of England’s Lead Bishop for Education, Bishop of Durham, Paul Butler has called for a renewed focus on schools re-opening in September.
The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of Durham have urged the Government to extend free school meals as they highlight the “harrowing” number of families who could be destitute by Christmas.
This Friday, the day after he legally becomes the 98th Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell will answer young people’s questions about compassion during a virtual collective worship session.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, will deliver a message of hope to school pupils across the country in the first assembly at Oak National Academy, it was announced today.
New legislation governing Diocesan Boards of Education (DBEs), which oversee and support Church of England schools, has received final approval from General Synod.
The House of Bishops met via Zoom this afternoon and continued to review advice to clergy on the Church’s efforts to limit the spread of the coronavirus, to protect the vulnerable and health services.
Synod today voted unanimously to fully accept the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse’s (IICSA) final investigation report into the Anglican Church.