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14646 results found for 'more safeguarding safeguarding news statements archbishop commissions independent review peter'
NEWS / Archbishop Commissions Independent Review of Peter Ball Case
Statement by the Archbishops on the Independent Safeguarding Board
A statement on the Independent Safeguarding Board (ISB)
Report by leading barrister Sarah Wilkinson into the Church of England’s Independent Safeguarding Board (ISB).
Read safeguarding news and views from the National Safeguarding Team.
Barrister to head independent review into first phase of Church’s Independent Safeguarding Board
The Church of England’s Independent Safeguarding Board has published Terms of Reference to review the handling of safeguarding issues regarding the former Dean of Christ Church, Oxford
Statement from lead safeguarding bishop, Joanne Grenfell on the independent report published today from Fiona Scolding KC, commissioned by Soul Survivor, into the Mike Pilavachi case.
The review group overseeing the independent review into the handling of alleged safeguarding issues regarding the former Dean of Christ Church, Oxford has announced that it is suspending its work.
General Synod today voted in support of next steps on safeguarding independence as outlined in a paper presented to Synod from the Church of England’s lead safeguarding bishop, Joanne Grenfell.