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A Christian presence in every community
13609 results found for 'prayer worship worship texts daily2 morneve morning evening prayer in seasonal time mpeaster aspx'
Morning and Evening Prayer from Common Worship: Daily Prayer by The Church of England.
The Order for Morning and Evening Prayer, from The Book of Common Prayer (1662). Cambridge University Press, 2006 edition.
A Service of the Word, Morning and Evening Prayer, Night Prayer
Worship texts and resources including Common Worship and Book of Common Prayer
Join us for a service of morning prayer on the Second Sunday of Epiphany from St Andrew's Church, Wickford, in the Diocese of Chelmsford, led by Rev Jonathan Evens, Team Rector of Wickford and Runwell.
The Order for Morning Prayer, from The Book of Common Prayer (1662). Cambridge University Press, 2006 edition.
Join us on the second Sunday before Advent for a service of morning prayer, led by Rev Alex Norris.
The Order for Evening Prayer, from The Book of Common Prayer (1662). Cambridge University Press, 2006 edition.
Special prayers and sample orders of service are available for churches, individuals, and families to use to mark the Coronation.
Join us for a service of Morning Prayer for the Feast of Stephen. Worship at Tewkesbury Abbey with Rev Catherine Williams, wherever you are today.