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New core materials including nine daily podcasts are now available to enable congregations to take part in Generosity Week.
The Church of England has today launched new resources to help churches to take part in ‘Generosity Week.’
The Church Commissioners for England have received three awards at the IPE (Investment & Pensions Europe) Awards held last Thursday in Berlin, recognising their industry-leading work on responsible investment.
The Archbishop of Canterbury opened the market this morning at the London Stock Exchange before addressing delegates at the Transition Pathway Initiative – Asset Owners State of Transition Climate Summit.
Responsible investing in the age of Climate Change and Artificial Intelligence - The role of the Christian Investor.
Talk by Alan Smith, First Church Estates Commissioner, to the 2024 Church Investors Group Conference on 20 November, 2024.
NEWS / The Church of England Pensions Board today announced the nomination of Clive Mather as the Chair of the Church of England Pension Board for a four-year term.
A memorial event at which families of those killed in the devastating Brumadinho disaster shared testimonies and prayers has catalysed investors to take further steps in recognition of the profound risks caused by tailings facilities.
Edward Mason, Head of Responsible Investment for the Church Commissioners for England, will present two shareholder proposals - for an independent chairman and a board matrix - at the ExxonMobil AGM today in Dallas.
ExxonMobil shareholders have shown significant support for a motion asking the company to report on how its business will be affected by worldwide efforts to combat climate change, despite the strong opposition of the company itself.
Institutional investors with more than $6trn of assets under management have declared that they will support a shareholder proposal urging ExxonMobil to disclose the impact of climate change policy on its business.