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A Christian presence in every community
1653 results found for 'sites default files 2021 05 Universities TEI Register of electors 2015 2021 pdf'
All relevant information, documents and papers for the November 2021 Group of Sessions.
All relevant information, documents and papers for the April 2021 Group of Sessions.
All relevant information, documents and papers for the July 2021 Group of Sessions.
All relevant documents relating to the meeting of General Synod members in February 2021.
Press releases from January 1st 2020 - December 31st 2021.
The Unlocking Gifts Project offered schools the opportunity to generate ideas on how to focus resources on relatively simple programmes to make a difference to the most disadvantaged groups.
The online Services Register is the digital equivalent of keeping a paper Services Register book.
It is available now within
From Lament to Action recommended that the Church should take action to increase the participation of UK Minority Ethnic / Global Majority Heritage peoples in all aspects of life, including its governance structures.
A Church of England funeral is available to everyone, giving support before, during and after the service, for as long as it’s needed.