Logo and visual identity

The way in which the Church of England is perceived can be strongly influenced by the way in which it presents itself visually. This information is intended to give it an overall contemporary, relevant and organised appearance that will enhance its mission.

Logo information

The Church of England logo exists to provide a visual identity that all parts of the Church can relate to and ‘own’. The Symbol and Namestyle are based on the Christian cross, being distinguished by an encompassing ‘e’, which implies universality.

The design itself combines the letters ‘c’ and ‘e’ (as in the Church of England) but more important is the central positioning of the cross, reflecting the centrality of the cross in the life of the Church. People will also draw other themes from the design. It is open to the world: a universal Church.

None of the assets provided on this page should be altered in any way and must only be used by Church of England churches, dioceses and schools. Other groups and organisations wishing to use the various design assets should seek advice from the Communications Team. The Symbol and Namestyle should not be used individually or have other graphic elements added to them.

Downloadable assets

The Church of England logo version 1 The Church of England logo version 1

Version 1 should be used first, unless the maximum width of the logo would be less than 50mm (190 pixels).

Downloadable assets

JPG (CMYK) for print

PNG (RGB) for screens

PNG white (RGB)

The Church of England logo version 2

Version 2 can be used when horizontal space is limited.

Downloadable assets

JPG (CMYK) for print

PNG (RGB) for screens

PNG white (RGB)

The Church of England logo version 3 The Church of England logo version 3

Version 3 can be used when vertical space is limited, and design requires horizontal space to be filled.

Downloadable assets

JPG (CMYK) for print

PNG (RGB) for screens

PNG white (RGB)

If you require vector (.eps) files of the Church of England logo's, please download them here.

Clear space

This is derived from the height of the letter 'O' in the word 'OF'. The logo must be surrounded with this clear space to ensure its visibility and impact. No other graphic elements should invade the zone shown below.

The Church of England logo white space guide


The two main colours used in the Church of England logo are Lilac and Blue. The colour values are shown below and should not be altered.

The Church of England logo colours listed against each element of the logo.


If the Church of England logo is being used on a background that dramatically reduces the legibility of the logo, then the entire logo should be coloured in white. 

  • Lilac

  • RGB: 150 / 105 / 169
  • CMYK: 37 / 50 / 0 / 6
  • Web: #9669a9
  • Pantone: P93-12U


  • RGB: 16 / 11 / 116
  • CMYK: 100 / 94 / 0 / 10
  • Web: #100b74
  • Pantone: P99-16U


We encourage the use of open source fonts where possible. Our website uses Cabin for titles and Open Sans for body content, which are available as part of the Google Fonts library

The main font use in the Church of England logo should not be used outside of the logo use, or sub-brands within the National Church Institutions.