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A Christian presence in every community
435 results found for 'aboutus structure general synod aspx'
This Guide to parochial fees is published for the information of parochial clergy and parochial church councils.
October marks the beginning of Black History Month, a national celebration promoting and celebrating the contributions of those with African and Caribbean heritage to British society and to foster an understanding of Black history in general.
A prayer for the 2024 UK General Election to be held on 4 July.
Do you want to help your church on its journey to net zero carbon but don’t know where to start?
The Church of England’s Net Zero Carbon Programme can help.
Liturgical resources for Creation and the Environment.
A report to reclaim the very purpose of housing – as the basis for community, and a foundation for human flourishing.
Find out about how we are making our web platforms accessible to as many people as possible.
Every actor in the housing market – landowners, developers, landlords, homeowners and tenants, as well as local and central government – has a role to play.
A summary outline of all diocesean Additional Matters Order.
Keywords; Climate Resilience, Subsidence, Diocese of Southwark, Parish Church, Written Case Study