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A Christian presence in every community
1091 results found for 'media 3896819 cofe policy statement pdf'
New safeguarding practice review policy approved by General Synod
NEWS / The Bishop of Durham, Paul Butler, lead bishop on safeguarding has issued a statement today following various media comments on his recent contribution in the House of Lords regarding Bishop George Bell.
We have been investigating how to further develop our visual design system through user feedback and expert advice.
Bishops of Southwark and Chichester join with other church leaders in a joint statement on the situation in Cameroon.
The Church Investors Group (CIG or the Group), representing 70 members and £21bn in assets, has this week written to the leaders of FTSE 350 companies to inform them that it will be enhancing its scrutiny of corporates ESG aspects this AGM season.
NEWS / Statement from the Rt Revd Paul Butler, Bishop of Durham, lead bishop on safeguarding.
IICSA statement from national safeguarding director
The Church of England's National Investing Bodies (NIBs) - the Church Commissioners, Church of England Pensions Board, and CBF Church of England Funds (managed by CCLA) - today announced the launch of a new policy on investing in extractive industries.
STATEMENT / Archbishops Council IICSA Opening Statement
Following today's preliminary hearing held by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, IICSA, chaired by Professor Alexis Jay, the Church of England has issued the following statement.