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A Christian presence in every community
939 results found for 'prayer worship join us in daily prayer morning prayer contemporary tuesday 9 august 2022'
There are some circumstances where you will be required to go through a formal tendering process. The process to recruit consultants/contractors must be fair. We can guide you through the requirements.
Grants for the conservation of historic church interiors & churchyard structures in partnership with the NLHF, Pilgrim Trust, Radcliffe Trust, Oswald Allen Bequest, Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, Gunnis Fund & the Anglican Parish Churches Fund
Information about the ongoing review of the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011
All the relevant information, documents and papers for the February 2025 Group of Sessions in London.
Publications and data resources produced by the Data Services unit of the Church of England. Including parish level census and deprivation statistics.
Independent lessons learnt reviews, Past Cases Review 2 and INEQE audit reports.
Prayers, liturgy and other resources to help mark the anniversary of the first lockdown, as part of the National Day of Reflection on 9 March.
Written determinations of disciplinary tribunals hearing complaints brought under the Clergy Discipline Measure, decisions on penalty and decisions following an appeal.
A review of the Church’s handling of allegations of abuse carried out by the late John Smyth has been commissioned by the Church and was announced in August 2019.
Church roles are many and varied. Discover the variety of ministry within the Church of England.