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A Christian presence in every community
16763 results found for 'sites default files 2018 01 GS 2083 Church Property Measure pdf'
Our teams deal with changes to parishes, certain property matters, the legal process of closing a church building which is no longer needed and finding those buildings new uses.
All relevant information, documents and papers for the February 2018 Group of Sessions.
All relevant information, documents and papers for the July 2018 Group of Sessions.
Details of the conferences run by the Church Commissioners' Pastoral Team during summer 2018
The Mission, Pastoral and Church Property Committee carries out certain functions of the Church Commissioners.
Information about legislation that covers parish reorganisation, including closing church buildings and finding new uses for them.
An introduction to independent research that reveals the exciting and significant impact that has been found in Fresh Expressions of Church, along with a tool to help fresh expressions practitioners measure this impact in their own contexts.
Safeguarding data has been published today taken from annual safeguarding returns, collected by dioceses in 2018 and sent to the National Safeguarding Team.
Update your church's site on with your Lent and Easter services and events. Head to the Resource Hub for templates to help with promoting services and activities.
New measures to strengthen governance and operational frameworks for England’s cathedrals receive final approval by General Synod.