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A Christian presence in every community
16622 results found for 'sites default files 2021 04 Faith in Further Education Report pdf'
Faith in Further Education is offered to all involved in further education, especially those who lead and work in it.
The church has always been involved in higher education through university chaplaincy, higher education policy and more.
Our Church of England online service for the Further Education Sunday is from The West Midlands Church Council.
He will help to lead the Church of England's Vision for engagement in Further and Higher Education
The Church of England’s lead bishop for Further and Higher Education has welcomed the recent publication of a White Paper which aims to revolutionise post-16 education.
Church of England, Catholic Education Service, and Confederation of School Trusts launch groundbreaking report, “Flourishing Together: A collective vision for the education system”.
The Church of England has launched a new Vision for Further Education, which calls for a major shift in its engagement with the sector.
Publications, reports and resources from the Church of England Education Office.
The Unlocking Gifts Project offered schools the opportunity to generate ideas on how to focus resources on relatively simple programmes to make a difference to the most disadvantaged groups.
An outline of churches awarded Conservation Report grants in June 2021