All Ecumenical Representatives Conference


Anglican Denominational Ecumenical Officers

A number of Anglican Ecumenical Officers attended the "All Ecumenical Representatives Conference" organised by Churches Together in England (CTE) in September 2023.

This conference brought together a large number of people in ecumenical roles.  John Bell from the Iona Community was the main speaker and he talked about the history of the Iona Community, the link between singing and belief, and the future of ecumenism.

There are a number of key ecumenical roles in the UK Church.  Not everyone uses these specific titles, but they are helpful as ways of understanding what people do:

  • National Ecumenical Officers (NEOs) represent their denomination nationally.
  • County Ecumenical Officers (CEOs) help churches to work together at "county" level.
  • Denominational Ecumenical Officers (DEOs) represent their denomination at various levels, including dioceses, deaneries and counties.
  • Anglican Denominational Ecumenical Officers (ADEOs) are Anglican DEOs.

The Anglican DEOs met together for two hours at the conference as a group.  This was a good opportunity to talk about strategy and shared issues.