Working Together in the General Election Year


A fringe meeting at General Synod in February looked at ecumenical projects including hustings and voter registration.

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI)has set up a website to help churches work together during the year of a General Election.  Joint activities will include local hustings and voter registration.  We will also be sharing resources across the churches. Visit Website.

Ecumenical General Election Fringe
Ecumenical Hustings

In the run-up to the next General Election, churches are encouraged to run hustings or similar events together. 

Advice is already available for churches who want to run a hustings together.

See advice.

Voter Registration

Citizens UK has launched a campaign to get 1 million ‘at risk’ voters ready to participate in this year’s general election. Six Church denominations, plus Churches Together in England (CTE), have become official Ambassadors to encourage churches to become Voter Registration Champions to get people to register to vote, educate about the need for Voter ID and encourage people to turn out to vote on the day.

Churches accredited as Ambassadors are the Baptist Union of Great Britain, Church of England, Church of Scotland, Methodist Church, Quakers in Britain and the United Reformed Church (URC).

Find out more and download an information pack from the Voter Registration Champions website.