Sok Han Yong

Associate Priest, Diocese of Oxford
image of Sok Han

I am grateful for my mentor accompanying along my journey of the process of discernment. Upon completing my studies at Seminary Theology Malaysia, I served the Diocese of West Malaysia. I came to the United Kingdom and was ordained in the Diocese of Oxford, where I served my curacy, after which I became an Associate Priest (2014) in the Parish of Abingdon-on-Thames. I served as a missionary for 30 years with the Diaspora Ministry and since moving to England in 1989, I have studied at Cambridge, Oxford Brookes University, Ripon College Cuddesdon and the Oxford Ministry Course. I was the Associate Minister of HKSKH St Andrew’s Church (2014 - Oct 2020); Permission to Officiate, to serve the Dorchester Episcopal Area within the Diocese of Oxford (Nov 2020-2021); Associate Priest of Hong Kong SKH St Joseph’s Church as of 1 January 2022; Hong Kong SKH St John's Cathedral, Chaplain and Associate Priest of Discovery Bay Church (2023-2024).

I am positive, approachable and happy to befriend and accompany you along your journey; I have been there before! My heart stirs with compassion for people and my hope is to empower you to explore your vocation. As an Ordained Vocations Mentor, I try to adopt a supportive and reflective approach and I enjoy seeing people discover for themselves the destiny that God has for their life.

Although I describe myself as having an evangelical, orthodox faith, I value and respect the gifts that other traditions offer to the Church. I have faithfully served the Anglican Church for over 30 years and my varied experience includes rural life, city churches, university campuses, council housing estates, refugee camps, working with the homeless & marginalised and ethnically diverse areas. My interests include multi-cultural ministry, peace, justice and environmental issues.

I speak English, Mandarin and Cantonese. I am available for mentoring in any of these languages via virtual platforms such as Zoom, Skype, monthly or as necessary. I have accompanied people from multi-cultural and multilingual backgrounds, BAME and people with different social backgrounds. If you think you would benefit from my experiences and guidance, it would be a privilege to mentor you!