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A Christian presence in every community
13330 results found for 'our faith mission world mission 2016 partnership for world mission conference aspx'
In the Church of England, we value our relationships with churches across the world.
The Archbishop of York has encouraged cathedrals to continue to ask the ‘hard missional questions’ about how to transmit the good news of Jesus Christ in a world suffering from confusion and uncertainty.
Details of the conferences run by the Church Commissioners' Pastoral Team during summer 2018
Information about Bishops' Mission Orders (BMOs) and the associated Code of Practice.
The Church of England has over 10,000 churches in rural areas and 40% of those who attend church go to rural churches. We are committed to supporting rural churches in their mission and helping them to grow.
The Mission Theology & Apologetics Group (MTAG) serves the churches by reflecting on issues affecting the mission and ministry of the Church and creating resources to deepen discipleship, to energise service to all, and to enable faith sharing.
The Council for Christian Unity's new report on missional ecumenism in England
The Anglican Mission Agencies have a very important role in the Church of England’s international relationships. Each of the Agencies works in different ways. Some work overseas and some work only in the UK.
Resourcing a church shaped for mission.
The Revd Sue Hughes shares how The Yurt Missional Community grew out of a traditional and rural market town parish, St Mary’s & St Peter’s in Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire.