Portsmouth Ministry Experience Scheme

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Portsmouth's MES scheme will follow on from a combination of many successful years of St Jude's Southsea's internship program and the existing ministry experience schemes provided elsewhere in the city. We will look to place you in one of a number of churches in this wonderful city, where you can get great experience across the life of the church. As part of the scheme you'll be offered a placement in a setting different to your host church, for example chaplaincies, or churches of other traditions.

The Future Youth placements are also available in Portsmouth, and we'd be happy to talk to you about whether this is something which could be suitable for you to join.
Each MES applicant is unique, as is each church - and so we will help you develop and grow in a setting which is right for you.

Interested in getting involved?

Learn more about the Ministry Experience Scheme at the Diocese of Portsmouth or make an enquiry using our webform, selecting Portsmouth diocese.