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A Christian presence in every community
15724 results found for 'sites default files 2021 06 GS Misc 1298 Clergy Remuneration Review Report pdf'
Stipendiary clergy, along with some retired and self-supporting ministers, are being encouraged to take part in a confidential listening exercise designed to help inform a review of the clergy remuneration package.
Independent lessons learnt reviews, Past Cases Review 2 and INEQE audit reports.
This page highlights the work of the Remuneration and Conditions of Service Committee and invite people to feed into its priortities
The independent report into the Church's handling of its 2007-9 Past Cases Review, PCR, has been published today.
The Church of England has completed a review of more than 75,000 files with the publication of its national Past Cases Review 2 report
Recommendations and themes from safeguarding reviews and reports
The Church of England Pensions Board has today published its Annual Review, covering the work of the Board throughout 2021.
The Church of England's National Safeguarding Team has today published a progress report, one year on from the Elliott Review.
A report of the review of nomination to the See of Sheffield by the independent reviewer Sir Philip Mawer has been published today.
An outline of churches awarded Conservation Report grants between January and March 2021