Clergy HR Governance

The Remuneration and Conditions of Service Committee (RACSC) is a Committee of the Archbishops' Council. It advises the Archbishops' Council and the House of Bishops on a strategy for ministry, with particular reference to the remuneration and conditions of service of those in authorised ministry. The Committee meets four times a year. RACSC works closely with the Ministry Council.

What RACSC does 

  • Develops policy relating to pensions in collaboration with the Church of England Pensions and the Church Commissioners.
  • Promotes, in partnership with dioceses, clear conditions of work.
  • Advises the Archbishops’ Council and dioceses about pay to stipendiary ministers.
  • Makes recommendations about the parochial fees for life events ministry (baptisms, marriages and funerals)
  • Advises on sector and chaplaincy ministries.

The Clergy Remuneration Review:

  • The review of clergy remuneration was undertaken between 2020 and 2021. It was published in July 2021 and discussed by General Synod in February 2022. The final report can be accessed here
  • Work is ongoing to implement several of the recommendations of the review.

RACSC members

There are several routes to membership of RACSC which includes lay leaders with a range of expertise, diocesan secretaries, archdeacons and parochial clergy.

Chair - Bishop Richard Jackson, Bishop of Hereford

General Synod members elected by the General Synod
The Revd Jeremy Moodey

Amanda Robbie

Members appointed by the Appointments Committee
Ven Samantha Rushton
Ven Dr Michael Gilbertson
Revd Eleanor Robertshaw
Mark Emerton

One member nominated by the Pensions Board subject to confirmation by the Appointments Committee.

Revd Hugh Lee

Members elected by and from the membership of the Inter-Diocesan Finance Forum
Mark Humphriss

Martin Cooper


Anthea Carter-Savigear

Engaging with stakeholders

RACSC engages proactively and positively with grouping around the Church:

  • Church of England Clergy Advocates (CECA) is a workplace grouping of the Faith Workers Branch of Unite) Unite

CECA and the Remuneration and Conditions of Service Committee share a number of common areas of interest and CECA representatives attend a meeting of RACSC annually in order to provide input into the Committee’s thinking.

How the National Church Institutions work with CECA

  • Retired Clergy Association of Church of England clergy: RCACOE
  • Archdeacons' Forum
  • Diocesan Secretaries Liaison Group
  • Inter-diocesan Finance Forum
  • Diocesan HR Network
  • Cathedrals HR Network