Crockford's Clerical Directory

Crockford's Clerical Directory is the definitive guide of Anglican clergy and churches in the Church of England, the Church of Ireland, the Church in Wales and the Scottish Episcopal Church, with biographies of over 27,000 Anglican clergy dating back to 1968.

It is compiled and published by the Archbishops' Council.
Crockford's Clerical Directory online, shown on a laptop, tablet and mobile phone.

How do I buy a copy?

Crockford's Clerical Directory is published digitally and in print by Church House Publishing. Crockford Online offers free searches and access to some information, but a subscription is required to see full biographical and contact details. 

Crockford's Clerical Directory has been published in printed form since 1858, and the latest edition is available to order on the Church House Publishing website.

Appearing in Crockford's Clerical Directory

Who is eligible?

Upon ordination, all Anglican clergy are eligible to appear in Crockford's Clerical Directory in print and online. Biographical entries continue to develop over time into a full historical record of their ministerial journey.

There is no charge to appear in Crockford and we will not publish your entry without your consent.

Appearing in Crockford

Read, complete and return both the Crockford’s Clerical Directory biographical details form and the GDPR permissions form to provide us with the necessary information to compile your entry. These are available on SurveyMonkey and will be automatically sent to us once you have completed them. They are also both available in PDF format below:

If you have already completed our forms via another method, such as from your Diocese, you do not need to complete them again.

Updating your entry

Complete and return the Biographical Details form to update your details for your entry.


Guidance on filling in the Biographical Details form

Honours and education
Theological training


Please write to:

Crockford's Clerical Directory
Church House
Great Smith Street

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Archival Enquiries for Crockford

Historical enquiries concerning individual members of the clergy recorded in Crockford's Clerical Directory are answered by Lambeth Palace Library.