Our task as the National Ministry Team is to renew lay and ordained ministry throughout the Church of England. We do this by providing advice and support to dioceses, the Church of England’s Bishops, and numerous Theological Education Institutions.
We oversee the selection, training and deployment of ordained ministers, ensuring the Church is well equipped to serve God in living out its mission for many generations to come.
We’re supporting dioceses to develop proactive plans to grow vocations to ministry, by sharing good practice, ensuring proper resourcing and providing quality training for DDOs and advisers.
Head of Formation: Keith Beech-Gruneberg ([email protected]) develops policy and offers advice to dioceses and TEIs in relation to Initial Ministerial Education.
Blended Learning Officer: Ken Farrimond ([email protected]) supports online learning provided by TEIs and dioceses.
Senior Researcher: Liz Graveling ([email protected]) advises on, organises and undertakes research, in particular the Living Ministry project.
Quality Assurance Administrator: David Hanson ([email protected]) manages the quality assurance processes (annual self-evaluation and periodic external reviews).
Head of Leadership Development Dr Susie Perks-Baker ([email protected]) oversees the Leadership Development Team and is responsible for all the leadership development programmes we offer. In addition, she leads the leadership programme for Bishops, Diocesan Bishops’ Ministerial Development Reviews (MDRs), Induction and Coaching offered to senior clergy.
Senior Leadership Development Consultant for Cathedral Deans This role is currently being covered by Dr Susie Perks-Baker ([email protected]) who is responsible for the leadership development for Deans. Our new lead will be joining us soon and will be responsible the Deans' Leadership programme.
Senior Leadership Development Consultant for or the Strategic Leadership Development Programme (SLDP) Our new lead will be joining us soon and will be responsible the national programme designed to equip ordained ministers within the Church of England with the knowledge, skills and behaviour sets to deepen their leadership skills at a local level and prepare them for the possibility of wider leadership roles.
Senior Leadership Development Consultant for Incumbents Revd. Pam Macnaughton ([email protected]) is responsible for the national incumbent development programme focused on enabling clergy to lead churches with flourishing ministry with children, young people and their families (CYF).
Archdeacons’ National Development Officer Revd. Cameron Watt ([email protected]) co-ordinates the national induction and ongoing development programmes for Archdeacons in the Church of England and the Church in Wales. He acts as the liaison between Archdeacons and national bodies both inside and outside the churches, co-ordinating communications and consultation. Cameron is also the Executive Officer for the College of Archdeacons, its Executive body and the eleven regional groups.
Programme Manager Nazia Sarkar ([email protected]) is responsible for the coaching and induction of senior clergy, Leadership Practicum Learning System, digital technologies used by our team and operational efficiencies of all leadership programmes we offer.
Programme Manager Lewis Jackson ([email protected]) is responsible for the planning and operational efficiencies of the leadership development for Bishops', Deans', Archdeacons and Strategic Leadership Development Programme (SLDP) programme.
Programme Co-ordinator Trey Gomes ([email protected]) is responsible for the planning and logistics of the Strategic Leadership Development Programme (SLDP) including the discernment programme.
Programme Co-ordinator Sarah Molyneux-Hetherington ([email protected]) is responsible for the logistical elements of the Bishops’, Deans’ and Archdeacons’ leadership programmes.
Programme Co-ordinator Our new team member joining us soon will be responsible for the logistical elements of the Incumbents' programmes.