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A Christian presence in every community
14556 results found for 'media 3863882 gs misc 1157 simplification story so far pdf'
The Archbishops’ Secretary for Appointments has written to members of General Synod to confirm expected timings for the process of nominating the next Archbishop of Canterbury.
Grants for the conservation of historic church interiors & churchyard structures in partnership with the NLHF, Pilgrim Trust, Radcliffe Trust, Oswald Allen Bequest, Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, Gunnis Fund & the Anglican Parish Churches Fund
We offer grants for the conservation and repair of historic churches and their contents. Let our partners and us help you take care of your church.
We give grants for the commissioning of conservation reports, including environmental surveys and other technical investigations (e.g. paint analysis) from Anglican churches in England. Let us help you with your application.
This opinion piece by Alan Smith, the Church of England's First Church Estates Commissioner, was originally published in the Daily Telegraph on 14 January, 2025.
Publications and data resources produced by the Data Services unit of the Church of England. Including parish level census and deprivation statistics.
All the relevant information, documents and papers for the February 2025 Group of Sessions in London.