Coming Home - November 2021 update


This blog is written by a member of the independent Commission. These views do not necessarily represent the views of the Archbishops' or the Church of England.

At the November General Synod, Canon Paul Cartwright of Leeds Diocese introduced the motion on the ‘wealth gap’.

He spoke of income inequality, poverty, opportunity inequality, and showed how disability significantly increases the likelihood of poverty. Contributors to the debate spoke about the reasons behind the wealth gap, as well as a loving Christian response within parishes. A large factor in wealth inequality is Housing, and Bishop Guli (Bishop for housing) spoke of the effects of the housing crisis on the poorer and more vulnerable. The motion was carried overwhelmingly.

The Coming Home executive team have asked the Diocese of Manchester to host our work on geospatial mapping, from 2022. We are delighted that this move has been agreed, and Manchester already has a skilled team who understand this field.